WS Quote

  • "Compare the silent rose of the sun. And rain, the blood-rose living in its smell, With this paper, this dust. That states the point." ~ Wallace Stevens


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April 14, 2006


I keep coming back to read this...and re-read this. Purple watermelons permeate my dreams now...

Thanks for sharing this one.
It's very rich fare indeed.

Hello. I was both delighted and disappointed to discover this bog today —delighted, as it is so good to see a rich exhibit of Stevens and the association with dao/dharma —and disappointing in that I see the most recent post is Sept 06. I am hoping Ms. Mattern is okay and further hoping that the blog will rejuvenate and expand further. More recent poems may be added, depending on copyright restrictions and permissions.

You will pardon me if this might in anyway seem self promoting, but a few may be interested in a free-to-the-pubic, project of 101 recordings of Wallace Stevens' public domain poems. The recordings are available for download free, without restrictions or trickery, either at the iTunes Store or this feed:

Best, Alan

Like your article very much!!!
Keep it up.

Thus he opens one of his early poems to earth and in his amused fashion, characterizing his own gusto for living, names it 'Hymn from a Watermelon Pavilion.'

Hey ... I had to stop at this site to say that this incredibly informed about one of the sweetest instruments and subtlety of the music as the guitar, just amazing, thanks for improving my life with this information, because as they say around ... . never stop learning to play guitar.

I love when I have the opportunity to read blogs as interesting as this. really thanks and congratulations.

It's a clever interpretation, but I don't think Wallace Stevens was so simbolic... still, this is a poem that opens a wide range of possibilities of interpretation, which is the best thing of it.

It is an interesting interpretation of this poem. However, the charater in this poem depends on what angle you are reading it from. It reads like hokku, indeed.

I liked the poem! It makes me think over much stuff! Pretty brooding! Thanks for sharing it!

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