The tsunami associated with the Indonesian earthquake caused flooding as far away as the west coast of India. Even as far away as Kerala's Malabar coast there was significant, although not devastating, flooding. For an excellent slide-show of photos, showing the flooding at Amritapuri ashram in Kerala just south of Cochin, go to the following link.
These photos show a beautiful day at the coast, then an observation of water in a few odd places, then the normal level of the ocean on the sea-wall protecting the beach, then the water topping the sea wall, then a long stretch of extra-wide beach, then the water crossing all barriers and flooding across the land. Someone documented the entire phenomenon with a camera. There are also photos of elephants being led up a staircase to safety inside a temple.
On a lighter note, this'll be fun, to have a place to stash all those odds 'n' ends that don't fit into any of my other blogs. A place to be not serious. Whew! I need this blog!
There might occasionally be political commentary on this blog, but others are doing that oh-so-very-well, so probably, at most I will be referring to their blogs. For example, the Moderate Voice at Typepad, is one I recommend. And my favorite is Teresa Hayden's blog - now this is what I call an interactive weblog - at Making Light. Check 'em out.
我的生活支离破碎那些坚定那些骄傲和那些我从未忘记也不敢忘记的东西它们远比你的转身来的更快眼里 蒙上一层朱砂盖过一座古老的城池你何时会回来? 在你过去的生活中,你伤害过谁,也早已忘记了,可是被你伤害的那个人却永远不会忘记你
Posted by: 全讯网 | December 29, 2013 at 03:31 AM
Posted by: 澳门赌场官网 | December 30, 2013 at 12:38 PM